Sonogram - 20 weeks |
Geez, is this a "Mommy Blog", an "Adoption Blog", a "Pregnancy Blog", "Travel Blog", "Food Blog"???? Pretty bizarre, I guess, when I have just as many blog posts about what I cooked for dinner as I have about my daughter. But, if you know me, I guess it really isn't *that* unusual. I am hoping that you readers forgive my fickle nature and allow me some swings in what I discuss. I have always said that I am convinced I could be diagnosed with Adult ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). My mind is in constant motion, constantly shifting gears....as is this blog. If you love the blog, well then, you have a good handle on how my mind works. And so, in light of the profession above, today's blog post will be a complete hodge podge, mishmosh of items.
Today, I am 20 weeks pregnant. Half-way there already!! So far, things have been a relative piece-of-cake. In general, I am feeling great. Although, the more difficult half has just begun. I have been feeling the baby ("Porkchop") for the last 3 weeks. The majority of this time, porkchop's movements have been very regular. A few days ago, I kept feeling occasional sharp stabbing pains in my lower abdomen. I wasn't overly concerned, however, as there was no regular pattern to the pains and I had no unusual bleeding. I figured that this pain was round ligament pain (a result of stretching ligaments to make room for the growing baby). I did have a raised eyebrow, however, when after these pains I did not feel the baby move for several days. Although I realize that I am still early on in how regular I should feel the baby, because of the fact that I *was* feeling the baby regularly and then no longer felt him, I decided to call the doctor to see what he had to say. I probably would've even waited a little longer to call but since it is Friday, I figured it would be best to make the place a call to the doctor before the weekend. The doctor's office had me go to the hospital's fetal monitoring department to take another peek. When I arrived, my blood pressure was elevated....no surprise, I was worried! They did a quick peek and all is well. Porkchop was squirming away (and I felt none of it) and his heartbeat was 153 bpm (normal). Ahhhh.....tears of relief! They took my blood pressure before I left and it was back to normal. The sonogram picture on this post was taken today. Happy 20 weeks, Porkchop!
My yummy crab cakes |
The day began with me dropping Madeline off at school, a trip to the Indian Reservation to gas up the vehicle, out to the hospital, and then a trip to Destination Maternity. Yep, time for new bras...$70 for 4 new bras and there is no guarantee that this size will even get me through the pregnancy. Ugh!! Cha-ching!
Next stop, waxing. I gotta look good while sporting those new bras. And NOOooooo.....I didn't get my chest waxed! My eyebrows, however, no longer look like caterpillars.
Time to pick up Madeline at school - red face and all. From school, a super quick stop at home to pick up our library books and movies and then off to Madeline's library story time. Straight from the library to Wegman's for a super-sized two week grocery shop. Zip home, unload groceries and whip up dinner. I am amazed that, with all the running around, I actually got a yummy, Lent-friendly dinner on the table. I tried a couple new recipes that I had to share.
Roasted red pepper sauce with capers & dill |
I made crab cakes for dinner. Although real crab meat is more expensive, it is very much worth the extra cost. I am really pleased with the way they turned out. Click
HERE for the crab cake recipe I used. I also made a roasted red pepper sauce with capers and dill (recipe
here). The sauce was good, although I believe next time I would prefer to try a sauce with a little more kick - maybe a horseradish flavored cream sauce?? Initially, I had planned to fry up some sliced cooked potatoes with onions and parsley yet, due to time I did the easy version of potatoes by throwing some frozen french fries in the oven. I zipped up the fries by adding Tastefully Simple's Seasoned Salt. Initially I was disappointed that I did not have the time to make the potatoes I had planned, however the seasoned fries hit the spot. I also served dinner with salad. I only had creamy dressings in my fridge but felt as though a lighter dressing would pair better with the crab cakes. I whipped up a dressing recipe that I had found on line (click
here) that was perfect and so easy - olive oil, red wine vinegar, sugar and fresh basil.
My dressing and David & Madeline mocking my food photos |
And now my feet are up after a long day. TV time and tea with the hubby and grateful that the weekend is here.