However....I didn't even think about*this* aspect of sending Madeline to school. Enclosed in Madeline's take home folder from school was the chocolate catalog for her school's fundraiser. "UGH!!!! You gotta be kidding me!", I thought. At least when the kids are a little older they can call people to beg for sales themselves. But at age three, who is really doing the selling???? And since Madeline is new to the school I don't just want to ignore the fundraiser completely. Since the fundraiser catalog is for Easter candies I guess I'll just ask the Easter bunny to shop through Madeline's school. So here is the spiel.....If you would like to support a fundraiser to benefit Madeline's school (and plan to see me before Easter) let me know if you are in need of chocolate.....
I would love to, BUT Hailey does the same fundraiser. Sorry!
I'll buy the ones that are zero Weight Watcher's points!! ;-D
Welcome to the next 15 years. So many times I just wished I could cut them a check. Some stuff was easy to sell. The big candy bars - I just put them out at work and a couple of days later, two or three boxes were gone. Easy. Later, when my kids were older and could go out hawking stuff on their own, I made them do it. I said: "Popcorn sales go directly into your Boy Scout account to offset camp expenses. Here's the deal. Camp costs $X. I'll pay $Y. You have to come up with the difference one way or the other. Either out of your allowance, or by selling popcorn." Etc.
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