Today, David took Packard to the vet while I took Madeline to dance class. I spoke to David on the cell phone prior to seeing Packard again. Packard had the cyst drained and the vet opted to keep a drainage tube in her for a few days to help the cyst continue to drain. I asked David how Packard was doing and David said, "Fine, except she looks like Franken-kitty". David explained over the phone that the tube is sticking out of Packard's head in two spots. I asked him if it looked like antena but David said it looked more like she was stabbed in the head with a straw. Yep, that's pretty much an accurate desciption. The tube (straw size) pokes out on the front side of Packard's head and proceeds to poke out of the back side as well. Yep, pretty gross...but Packard is doing great (although David was feeling a little week-kneed when he saw Pacakrd at the vet)
By the way, we have come to call Packard, "P" for short. We have also called her "Sweet P" but since the cyst we have been know to call her "Lump-P". I guess now that she has a straw out of either side of her head, we may now call her, "Sip-P". GRAPHIC PICTURE BELOW>>>

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poor little kitty
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