Yes, a scary girls' weekend. What was scary? Well, I think the opening picture is a good start in describing how the weekend went. What was really scary was NOT the fact that our husbands were home with our children for the weekend but rather the fact that we lost pretty much all class during this girls' getaway. First, I must say, that I went with 3 of my girlfriends to a two night scrapbooking weekend. A scrapbooking weekend sounds pretty tame and boring, right? Well, not this group! The 4 of us joined about 40 other women to be productive with working on our family pictures. Well, you get a bunch of women together that don't typically have an opportunity to get away and unleash them on the world and they can easily get into trouble in the most innocent of venues.

Tammy, Kelly, Debbie and I were excited to arrive on Friday. We set up our gear and got busy. After the first evening's dinner we all got comfy in some lounge clothing and settled in for more evening scrapbooking. We agreed before arriving that we wouldn't want to spill our beverages on each others scrap stuff therefore we needed to bring a covered cup for our beverages. Again, just an idea of the spirit of the weekend, the girls almost died of laughter when I pulled out my covered cup. Yep, I brought a sippy cup to drink my wine from in the evening. By about 1:00am, as we were still scrapbooking, Kelly decided to DJ music from the ITunes on her computer. By about 2:00am we were dancing in the conference room to Sir MixaLot's "Baby Got Back" (along with other songs). By 2:30am we we dancing on chairs but we finally called it a night at 3:00am.
Did the shenanigans from the night before stop us the next day? No! Our group was the first one back to our scrapbooking (after being the last ones to leave) the next morning. We were out of town, on a scrapbook mission. Heck, we didn't even shower, nor did we change from our lounge clothes from the night before (and this is the major reason that there we no pictures taken of my girlfriends). Who cares...we had no responsibilities on this get away and we just wanted to act in such a manner. We were such lazy bums that after scrapping in our lounger clothes (from the night before) we wore them to the restaurant (along with slippers) for lunch AND dinner. Ok, only Kelly & I went to this extreme but we didn't know anyone there.....oh wait, I did almost run into two of my former students and their parents but I just pulled the hood to my hoodie over my head and tried the incognito strategy while ducking into the restaurant. By 8:00pm on Saturday we decided to take a break and dip into the hotel's hot tub. Despite the crazy evening the night before and being extremely tired, we dedicated scrapbooking gals headed back for more scrapbooking until midnight.

Yes, we had a GREAT time but each of us, feeling quite refreshed, were excited to get back to our own families. So, how did David fare?? David is just awesome! David got Madeline off to dance class on Saturday morning, took her shopping (and yes, Daddy's girl was spoiled. She got a new bathing suit and an Ariel doll), and the two of them went to the grocery store for the makings of pizza. They made a pizza together for dinner on Saturday night. Additionally, David got the makings for recreating a Berlin specialty, curry wurst, for Sunday's dinner. David and I were excited to try out the curry wurst sauce that he brought home from Berlin.

Now that I am feeling renewed, I am ready to try to whip my house in shape for our Easter festivities. You'll hear more about those as they happen...stay tuned.
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