Well, to try to be somewhat positive, I will attempt to point out the pros of having a November birthday. For Madeline, that definite positive in her situation is that she shares her b.day with my mom. But, since Madeline never got to meet my mom, this will probably only be more significant to me throughout the years. Madeline's birthday falls during the school year so Mama will be able to bake special treats for Madeline to share with her classmates. Also, due to the proximity of her birthday to Halloween, I am sure one of these years she'll be able to have a costume Halloween/Birthday party the weekend before her b.day.
Now, here is what I hate. Birthday/Christmas shopping is a challenge. Don't get me wrong, I know there are plenty of people who have children with birthdays much closer to Christmas than Madeline's. However, it feels as though I am just finding an everyday storage spot for all the birthday goodies when Santa unloads his sleigh under our tree with more goodies. But, more importantly, a November birthday does not allow us, as parents, to "spread the wealth". As a child, I used to love getting summer toys/clothing for my birthday and winter toys/clothing for Christmas. Yet, nothing would suck more than getting a bicycle for Christmas when there is 3 feet of snow outside.
So here is my dilemma. Madeline needs a new bicycle. She has totally out grown the beautiful tricycle that Grandma & Grandpa bought her two years ago. Madeline is, without a doubt, now ready for a 2-wheeler. I want to just go out and purchase one, however, I can't stand the idea of buying a somewhat larger-ticket item for no reason. I had thought of asking Santa to bring one last Christmas but, like I said, what would suck more than getting a new bike under the Christmas tree that you can't use for 6 months. Finally I thought.....ahhhh...for Madeline's "Gotcha Day". But GEEEZZZZzzzzzzz, that is a lot more money than we would normally spend for that occasion. And besides, Madeline's Gotcha Day is June 25th. She would already be missing a bunch of the summer fun by waiting even that long. So now I decide.....what to do??? Do YOU have any suggestions???
And now you see why I think November birthdays suck.
I hear ya. Lily's birthday is 11 days before Christmas. I also share Madeline's birthday & my sister's birthday is also in Nov. I would just buy the bike.
BUY THE BIKE AMY!!!! Owen's birthday is 11 days before Christmas and I have to agree it SUCKS.
On Facebook, I got several comments on my link to this blog entry too. Buying the bike seems to be the consensus. Debbie gave me the brilliant idea of celebrating her 1/2 b.day which is May 4th. Maybe I'll just by Madeline the bike when we are in Indiana as it'll give her something to do there.
We just bought the bikes when we felt like they were ready. BIG Money with two kids, definitely, especially considering that you have to get helmets too! But they use them everyday, and we're happy we bought them! (Greg's mom actually bought one of them for us)
Anyway....buy the bike...that my two cents. :)
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