I am not quite sure why but over the past few weeks I have gotten the itch for another pet. I was open to another kitty OR a dog. Kitty cats are so much fun and they are very easy to care for. With cats, you can simply leave for a long weekend. Just put out food, water and fresh litter and the cats will take care of themselves. Dogs, on the other hand, can be spazs and require a lot more work. Although, both David and I grew up with dogs and hoped to one day provide that same experience for Madeline.
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The conversation went something like this:
"Madeline, why do you think we should get a dog?"
"Because I never had a dog"
"Madeline, we don't always get everything we want."
"Mama, Cinderella has Lucifer (cat) and Bruno (dog) and I want a dog."
"Madeline, dogs are a lot of work. They need to be fed and walked."
"I can take a doggie for a walk."
"Doggies don't go poopie in a litter box. Doggies go outside. What if the doggie poops in the back yard near your swing set?"
"The dog can poop on a walk"
"Well, Madeline, we'd still have to clean up the poop"
"You can clean it up, Mama"
"ME???? Why couldn't YOU clean it up?"
"Mammmmaaaaa....I am just a little girl! Little girls *can't* pick-up poop! I might get dirty!"
And like I said.....she had an answer, albeit a 4 yr old's version, for everything.

Next, I asked if I could walk the dog. Cindy was scheduled to go out on the Whisker Wag'n (mobile adoption unit brought out to various pet stores to increase an animal's exposure) so I only had a couple of minutes to walk her. Cindy walked great on the leash. Madeline was so excited about walking the dog that I began to see how nice this type of addition would be to our family. While outside, I told Cindy to sit & lay and she listened. Obviously, this doggie had obedience training. Also, when she laid down, the dog rolled onto its back in a submissive manner. Madeline ran around and the doggie was excited about Madeline but did not become overly riled. Cindy remained gentle mannered. This really was a good dog. Okay.....time to call David.
So David's big question to me was, "Are you asking me to bring home a dog that I never met??" Okay, fair question but I knew that this gal wouldn't be around long. She would get a home fast! The SPCA offered me to hold the dog for 24 hours but I was afraid that if we weren't really serious enough about bringing a dog home that Cindy would miss out on going on the Whisker Wag'n and miss out an opportunity to be adopted. So, it was decided that I would let the doggie go on the Wag'n but that David would meet Madeline and me after work at the pet store that was hosting the Whisker Wag'n.
Madeline and I got to the Wag'n first and the first words out of my mouth were, "Is Cindy still here"? Although someone was very interested in adopting the dog, the SPCA couldn't approve the adoption because the girl still lived at home. And so, it was meant to be, I guess. We took the doggie into the pet store for a walk around with David. For a long time we thought, talked, and considered. David and I both knew that if we were to get a dog, THIS dog was perfect. She's laid back, gentle, great with Madeline, etc, etc. The question was are we ready for a dog? Again, watching Madeline interact with Cindy was melting our hearts. Finally, we decided to move forward.

It looks like you found the perfect dog! When you wrote that she laid her head into your hand, I thought "That seals it." : ) And too sweet about her sleeping right near Madelinie.
We just arrived in Chicago this afternoon. I'm wondering if the calipitters (the way my boys keep saying it) will be dead by the time we get back home on Sunday! : ) The brown one was the one that was sick looking to me. And by the way, the grow bug is "full grown." And the boys have been having fun reading about the snakes. I have told them that is fine, but I don't want to hear a thing about it. : )
Great name! (Astrakhan certainly had plenty of Sobaka's - poor doggies) What a pretty dog! Sobaka has a great home, and a great new best friend.
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