Our first meal at the house |
On the evening of (Tuesday) 2/14, I ended up puking my guts out (yum!). I had to have caught whatever "bug" Madeline had on that Monday (2/13). Our closing date for our house purchase was Wednesday (2/15) morning with our final walk-thru inspection prior to the close. I woke up the morning of the close feeling like absolute crap. I was not sure how I was going to survive sitting through all the paperwork signing. On a day that should've been filled with excitement, I literally did not have the strength to do the final walk-thru. I laid on the floor of the family room, in the vacant house, as David completed the inspection. During the house closing, I signed my life away, not caring what I was signing but only caring about getting thru the process. I was disappointed that once the house was officially ours, I had no desire to go back to the house. Instead, I told David that there was absolutely no way I would survive "kid duty" and asked him to take the rest of the day off of work in order to cover the parental duties for the rest of the day. When we got home, I took my temperature and, sure enough, I was officially sick with a 101.5 fever. Whahhh!! What a way to start our time with this house. The crazy thing is that the very next morning I was a new person, however, David "caught the bug" and he was sick half of Wednesday (2/15) and Thursday (2/16). So much for getting work done in the house... When David started feeling better on Friday (2/17), he needed to get ready for his business trip to Japan. David left for Japan on Saturday 2/18 and did not return until Saturday 2/25. For all the above reasons, we barely stepped into our new home the first week-plus that we owned it. As much as I would've loved to start prepping for our move-in, I knew that I would only be frustrated to try to attempt productivity with 2 kids at my side.
Workplace Chaos! |
Last night, David and I went to the house and tried to slowly make some progress. We figured we would have better luck if the two of us could "tag team" the kids. You have no idea how difficult it is to juggle house time for working around Madeline's school pick-up, homework, dinner, bedtime, etc. Throw into the mix an infant and we have a recipe for getting *nothing* done. Ugh!!! I can't thing about this.....all I know is that neither David nor I have enough hands or coloring books to occupy these children. It is so hard to function at times without the support system we had in New York. We did, however, enjoy our first meal in the house. A card table & chairs, a vinyl tablecloth, a rotisserie chicken & frozen microwave "steamers" vegetables and microwave rice (served on paper plates) was on the menu for the evening. Not exactly gourmet cooking but it was nice to start claiming the house as our own.....but, as far as the work department goes......I will be lucky to accomplish ANYTHING among all our chaos!
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