Madeline as Rapunzel |
Jonathan as a pilot |
Wow! I can't believe that this was already our 2nd Halloween here in Minnesota! Yet, since this was our first Halloween at our new house it was, in a way, a new experience once again. Madeline has been looking forward to Halloween for weeks and has asked for a daily countdown for just as long. Although this was not Jonathan's first Halloween either, it was his first Halloween that he could participate to any real degree.
Madeline doing the serious Trick-Or-Treating as Jonathan enjoys the scenery. |
For weeks Madeline would beg to look at the costume section every time we stepped foot into Target. Every time we walked in the store she would tell me what she wanted to dress up as and by the time we left the store, Madeline's costume choice would change to something else. I think Madeline had about 40 costume "must haves" during the month of October. When it came time to make a decision, Madeline opted to dress as Rapunzel. Jonathan, however, had no real say in the matter so it was just a matter of Mama and Papa choosing a costume. Since Jonathan loves pointing out all the airplanes in the sky, we decided on the airplane pilot costume. We figured this costume would also get some use after Halloween with some pretend play - Jonathan loves "flying" around the house.
Jonathan was enjoying the wagon in between stops. |
Trick-or-treating with class mascot, Mariah the Moose |
Although both kids had a mini "dress rehearsal" in their costumes when we visited Grandma and Grandpa, I tried to perfect things a little more for Halloween night. This meant "glamming up" Rapunzel with some make-up and a curling iron. I also bought Jonathan a "leather" (or shall I say, pleather) jacket and pilot cap to finish off his costume (gotta love "Savers" second hand store....and, bonus is I hit the store on 20% off day too!)
Is that the Addams Family???...nah, just Mama-Dirtyfoot's family |
Madeline and one of her schoolmates |
We also had a "tag along" to our family's trick-or-treating. Madeline is responsible for her class' "Mariah the Moose". We have Mariah for the week. Mariah gets to share in the adventures of our family and we get to journal her experiences before heading back to class next week. We decided to dress-up Mariah as Tinkerbell and have the moose go trick-or-treating with us too.
Now what is this thing you call chocolate?? |
(Eyes bugging out) Whoa! You've been holding out on me!! |
The evening was crisp, but not too cold. Although a jacket would've been ideal, Madeline did not want to cover up her costume. Although we threw a coat in the wagon "just in case", it was never touched. We made Madeline take it slow to the first house so that Jonathan could go with her. After that, as a seasoned veteran, Madeline took off running. After a house, we would plop Jonathan in the wagon and by the time we put him in the wagon, pulled him down the street and got him back out of the wagon, Jonathan was doing every other house - 1 house to every two of Madeline's. I was pleased to hear the thank yous coming from Madeline. Meanwhile, Jonathan was initially more interested in the sticks on the sidewalk or throwing the plastic pumpkin bucket from his hand but eventually it seemed as though he was starting to get the hang of things. After about an hour out, Jonathan hit his limit and so David took him home while Madeline and I continued on.
As a kid, as a teacher and as a mom...in all roles, weekday Halloweens sucked. I think Madeline could've continued on with the trick or treating but knowing my daughter, I had to keep her bedtime on a school night somewhat reasonable. She and I continued on for a little bit after Jonathan went home. That is when we happened to meet up with one of Madeline's schoolmates. In both girls a second wind hit them. It was almost like seeing a light switch turn on, and the two of them ran from house to house.
Mmmmmm.....Decisions, decisions! |
Finally we turned the corner, back onto our street again, and it was time to wrap up our trick-or-treating. However, Halloween night is not complete until you raid your trick-or-treating bucket when you get home. I allowed Jonathan his first taste of chocolate. Let's just say that he really, really, *really* liked it! As for Madeline, it is a good thing that I lost count of what she ate that night. Unlike when I was a child, (It was up to me to ration my Halloween candy as I saw fit....needless to say, the candy didn't last long at all) post-Halloween, Madeline is back to one piece of candy after dinner. Sigggghhhhh.....that, however is not helping me as that candy calls my name - taunting me - while Madeline is at school. Oh wait, haven't you heard???? November 1st is National "Eat Your Kids' Halloween Candy While They Are At School" Day. I guess I am just being festive and celebrating this "holiday", right?????
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