The past two days I have been doing some type of trip preparation. Yesterday I spent the day balancing checkbooks, writing bills, doing miscellaneous correspondence. Today, I ran around all day taking care of last minute errands, buying last minute things for our trip, stocking up stuff for our house sitter, etc. I think for the most part I am ready but I just have to gather all the items and toss in suitcases.
In addition to errands for our trip, Madeline also had dance class this morning and a doctor's appointment. Thankfully, the ENT doctor said that Madeline's ear tubes are now unblocked. Therefore, I do not foresee any issues (associated with her ears) with travel. Additionally, I did not have a chance to get to the tax guy today. So the seeing the "clock" must wait until we get home......something to look forward to.
It's crazy that I am not too overwhelmed with the upcoming travel to Europe. Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled at this opportunity and it is an opportunity that a few years ago David and I *never* thought we would have. But after traveling to Russia two times and one of those times staying in Russia one month+ while packing for three (even though there were only two of us when we departed), this travel seems like a piece of cake. I, however, am struggling with my casual attitude toward this trip. On one hand, like I said, I am taking this very casually....maybe it is due to our prior experiences. On the other hand, I am feeling much guilt that I am treating this casually because many people do not have such wonderful opportunities. I pray that I am truly grateful. I do not ever want to take such experiences for granted.
I must go now. I still have to pack and prepare instructions for our house sitter. Although we do not leave until later in the day tomorrow, I do not know if I will have a chance to blog. It is possible that I will not be able to post until we arrive in Dublin. David will be very busy during the day. I will explore with Madeline. In the evenings, David will still be busy with work stuff (catching up on emails, etc.) and while he is doing that (and Madeline is sleeping) I plan to blog. So check back here to keep up to date with the Adventures of Mama-Dirtyfoot.
I hope you all have a wonderful and safe trip. I am looking forward to reading all about it. I appreciate that you are providing us the opportunity to "tag along" with you through your adventures. I can relate to your feelings about the trip. It is because you are so busy with the preparations. You will truly appreciate and be grateful for the experience as you live it and relive it through the memories when you return. Enjoy!!
I hope that your travels are going well so far. I wanted to thank you for the speech information and the book for Alex from Madeline! We really appreciate it!
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