This morning, the same thing happened as yesterday so I tried the same routine with the ibuprofen. This, however, did not help. She could barely put pressure on her foot and was complaining quite strongly about it that I decided since we will be leaving for Europe on Sunday, we should get things checked out without delay. The appointment wasn't until 11:15 so Madeline was quite content to lay on the couch with her feet elevated and watch Cinderella. My concern, since she stopped mentioning her foot after her initial complaints Monday morning, was that Madeline was somehow being a drama queen and milking the foot thing. I thought too that Cinderella might distract her enough and that her foot issues would be forgotten about once the movie was over. After Cinderella, David happened to have a meeting near home so he stopped home to check on things. Mama went upstairs (so that my presence wouldn't affect her responses) and we had Papa offer her "Nemo Candy" (fruit chews) in the kitchen. Madeline would not even get off the couch for the "candy" - she tried to but the foot pain stopped her.
We went to the doctor's and he moved around her foot and there appeared to be no problems. Of course, when the doctor was checking her over, there were no complaints. While putting Maddie's socks back on, I gently squeezed her foot in the area that appeared to be bothering her and she cried, "No Mama touch, only the doctor!" The doctor took a second look in the area I pinpointed and there was some tenderness that made Madeline jumpy (that bone area directly below her big toe).....so, just to make sure, off we went for x-rays. Of course, by this time Madeline is able to walk fine.

The x-rays came back negative so at this point we figure that Madeline sprained something and we have to just treat her with ibuprofen as needed. I just hope she is feeling better before we travel this weekend! The down side to all of this is that I was planning on using this morning (Madeline normally goes to school Tuesday mornings) to run errands for the trip. School would've given me 3 hours. Also, her speech teacher usually comes over and that would've given me an additional 1/2 hour to accomplish something around the house too. So, I am a little stressed about not having anything ready for our departure.
We were, however, able to make it back home in time for the estimate to get a crack in our basement wall fixed. Yeah, another stressing thing. Pretty much, Niagara Falls would enter our house during heavy rains. David and I were expecting an arm and a leg to fix but it'll only be $400....yipppeee!!! But wouldn't you know it, I was holding Madeline while the estimate guy was talking to me. Why she decided to do this I have no idea, but Madeline starts trying to press on my boobs and yank at my shirt. Kids do these goofy things but I tried to ignore her and lead her hands away from my chest area while simultaneously trying to have a straight-faced conversation with the estimate guy. Yep, subtlety doesn't work with a 3-year old because after I try to lead Madeline's hand away, she loudly exclaims, "No, I wanna see Mama's boobies!" Okay, aside from thinking "What the heck is Madeline doing this for?", I was ready to die. Well, maybe that is why I got a $400 estimate. Whatever it takes, right??? hahaha
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