2) With regard to the house, yes, it is sold. We had a near catastrophe with the deal though! The original contract we signed on the new house was a contingent offer - contingent on us selling our current house. With this type of contract, the people that are currently living in our new house could still accept an offer on the house if the new offer was "non-contingent". We accepted an offer to sell our Wednesday but we still had a contingecy in our contract for the new house. Our realtor informed us on Friday that someone wanted to put a "non-contingent" offer on the new house. Yikes....if things went bad, we could technically have sold our current house while losing the new house and thus, be without a house! Talk about almost pooping your pants! Our realtor knew that the home inspection on our current home (for the buyer) was being done at 10am on Saturday. She told the potential buyers that she wasn't available until 4pm Saturday to listen to the new offer (on our new house). In the meantime, our buyer had their home inspection done Saturday morning and signed the paper saying that he was satisfied with the condition of our house and was willing to proceed with the purchase. This then allowed us to feel comfortable to sign the paper that released the contingency agreement on the new house contract. And therefore, by doing that, no new offers were allowed to be heard by the current owners of our new house. Whewwwww.....down to the wire, but all is well!!

5) Madeline is all about music and singing. She is, especially, all about Disney princesses! Madeline will sing "A Whole New World" from Aladdin at the top of her lungs. Her new song is "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid. Below is a short video of Madleine singing "A Whole new World" in the car. She is, surprisingly, much quieter that usual in this video but you can still get an idea of her passion for the Disney songs. (Excuse the crappy video quality - the video was taken by my cell phone). Mama saved the day, however, by buying Madeline a new Princess Collection CD. The CD has all the "greatest hits" from the various Disney movies. Madeline was a happy camper!!
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