Yes, today it would've been my parents' 53rd wedding anniversary.....or as my oldest brother, Marty, proudly announces to the world, the anniversary of his conception. But, more recently, June 9th is the anniversary of when David and I left for our second trip to Russia to bring Madeline home. Many of my blog followers are new to our adoption story. My hope (I hope that I have enough time each day to do this) is to re-publish our family's story on my blog in the chronological order that we sent it out two years ago. (For new readers, we didn't blog our story. I wasn't that techno back then and thus, did not have a blog in '07. Then, I sent out daily emails to a distribution list of my friends). I apologize to those of you that already read this. Yet, since it was two years ago, you might get a kick out of reliving it with me and being in as much awe as I am in how much time has passed, how much Madeline has grown and how much we have grown as a family. Two years ago, our life was on the cusp of changing, yet we had no idea to what degree. Two years ago, David and I got on a plane (only 18 days after the death of my mom) to bring home our long-awaited for daughter. Two years ago today we started our final journey to parenthood. We waited so long for you, Madeline.
FYI....two years ago no "update emails" were sent to our friends as we were in the midst of our trans-Atlantic flight. Stay tuned....
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