Despite the fact that composing this post was on my mind all day, I couldn't quite formulate what to write about my dad. I could talk about the fact that he was a lawyer and judge. He had a crazy, yet at the same time very cerebral/intelligent sense of humor. Oh....and speaking of intelligent, he was the most intelligent man. He was a father of six and raised us very strictly. But for those of you that knew my dad knew that he was much more complex than the words I just typed. He was a perfectionist yet with so many imperfections. So tough on those he loved but yet loved more deeply than he knew how to express. He gave me and my siblings our drive to succeed, our humor (albeit warped at times), and our strong wills - be that good or bad.
Yes, my dad was complicated. I guess that is why I struggled channeling my thoughts on today's post. But yet, I feel I have truly come to know and appreciate him. I only wish that I could sit and talk with him now that I am older. He was so very wise and unfortunately (at times) very misunderstood. But I get it now....I understand. I wish you were here to "inspect the stars" with me like when I was a little girl. But, I occasionally do that now with Madeline and think of you and remember our special moments. I love you, Dad. Happy Birthday.
Very nice, Amy. Dad would be very proud of you!
Beautifully stated, Amy ~ brought tears to my eyes...
What a loving post Amy!!
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