Mama and Madeline had a nice mother-daughter day. The two of us took a ride out to orchard/farm-country to visit Becker Farms. Madeline had a good time picking apples....especially since apple trees are "Maddie-sized" In addition to apple picking, the farm had a petting zoo on premises too. Madeline was too funny with the feeding of the goats. Madeline would hold out her hands for me to

put some food into her hands. She would hold out her hands for the goats to eat out of them but she would dump the feed onto the ground when the goats got about a foot from her. Madeline was freaked out about them tickling her hands when they ate from them. Madeline had such a good time that she actually cried when it was time to go. After a trip to McDonald's, a local vineyard and a stop at the pet store, Madeline and

I also got the makings for apple pie (refrigerator dough.....do you actually think I make it from scratch?) Mama-Dirtyfoot did have enough time to make an apple crisp tonight and plans to make an apple pie for tomorrow. I do love Fall.....if only it didn't mean that Winter was coming!
Sure brings back memories...Every year we took David, Carolyn & Ed to Garwood Orchards to pick apples. Usually a bag for eating and one for cooking. We canned applesause each one helping according to their skills. Then we would have memories for the entire winter recalling the picking. David would eat one bite from one of the apples. Never liked fruit much as you know.
Was out to Garwood yesterday and got 3 Delicious apples and 4 Johathan ones...Big come down from our bygone days.
What a fun mommy daughter day! We love Becker Farms.
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