Picking out pumpkins |
As I type this, David is working his way home from Germany on his transatlantic flight (29 minutes and 266 miles before landing in JFK to be exact). Madeline was in school this morning and I decided to get the house cleaned up, laundry sorted (as David will has 2 suitcases full when he gets home), stash toys away (at least until Madeline got home), change sheets on our & Maddie's bed (nothing better than crawling into clean crisp sheets, especially when coming home after a long trip), and decided to get a start on Fall decorations for the house so that the pretty Fall colors would welcome David when he got home (okay, so it'll be dark when he gets home but it's the thought that counts).
After picking Madeline up from school, we headed out to a local farm and bought a few corn stalks, a hay bale, a couple pumpkins and some colorful mums. Okay, I'll be honest....I was also trying to minimize the time before bedtime that Madeline would be able to trash the house I just cleaned. Regardless, it is a beautiful day here - perfect for taking a drive into the country. Although quite humid, it is in the upper 80's and windy. I love days like this (although I could do without that darn humidity) and love the colors of Fall yet I am not crazy about the fact that this weather means the cold days of winter are approaching. I choose to try to ignore that fact and bask in the last few warm sunny days of the year.
A tree swing on the pumpkin farm |
David will be calling soon when he lands in JFK (yeah!) and Madeline and I will go outside to spruce up our front yard with the decorations we picked out today. But first, I thought I would share a couple of pictures.
Laughed out loud with the camo furniture, and nearly died with the fish mailboxes!!! Your 2 points well made.
And, that is incredible that you were able to google and find them a dinner spot. Very impresive. I think David owes you big time for that. And I totally agree with you about people who travel out of the country and are determined to eat just as if they were back home! So sad.
I've been seeing all the corn stalks, hay bales, and such. Our new porch will be great to put some of those things on. I think I will ask Craig to stop on the way home from church tomorrow to get some.
(The boys are still loving all your "bug and snake" stuff)!
I love shopping for Fall stuff. I would've waited until this weekend but I am hoping, instead, go go apple picking after church today and was afraid to pack too much on my to do list (which I do too often). I didn't want to risk not getting the fall decorations up because I am having a candle party on Thurs and wanted the decorations up for that.
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