I awoke Madeline at 7:30 this morning. As she was wiping away the sleep from her eyes I told that it was time to wake-up because today was a big day. You could tell that Madeline's memory clicked on it registered that today was her first day of school as she instantaneously got a huge smile on her face. Madeline was excited about getting into her new dress and everything associated with getting ready for the day. David went into work a little later this morning so that we could both take Madeline to school this morning Madeline was pretty good about going in. We took the traditional Maddie & teacher picture. Madeline was pretty good about getting settled but she got a little clingy as we were about to leave. Only an extra minute or two was needed to give Madeline a little confidence booster and for David & I to head out. Just like I predicted, I wasn't sure if I should jump in the air, click my heels and holler "woo hooo!" or shed a few tears for having to let go a little more this morning. However, I was quickly distracted as this morning's extra bonus was a Tim Horton's coffee date with David after Madeline was in school & before David headed in for the day!

Picking-up Madeline this afternoon, Madeline seemed excited about her day. I was a little frustrated, however, with how Madeline seems to be practicing for her teenage years. Trying to get her to tell us about her day today was like pulling teeth. What's up with that??? She's 4!!! I guess I will begin to put he pieces of her day together once school is under way a little more.
As a first day of school treat, Madeline and Mama went out for ice cream after I picked Madeline up from school......yum! It's funny - one day of school and this evening, over dinner, Madeline seemed somehow more mature, like she grew some today. David and I gave Madeline the opportunity to say grace before dinner tonight. You should've heard what a beautiful job she did! Also, as I was placing her plate on the table with chicken enchilada & refried bean slop on her plate, Madeline exclaimed, "Ooooo! That looks beautiful!" After dinner, it was pretty chilly outside so outdoor play did not last long. Instead we decided to wind down the day by turning on the fireplace for the first time and playing a game of CandyLand in front of the fire. All three of us really enjoyed the game (Madeline won, David came in 2nd and they both got a kick out of mama being last). Bedtime came and Madeline fell asleep in no time flat. I can't imagine that tonight will be a late night for me either!
Walking into school |
Madeline with teacher |
Ice Cream after school |
CandyLand before bedtime |
They do grow up fast, don't they?! And it is funny how they just experience something one time and they are suddenly 10 years more mature than before. : ) It looks like everyone involved handled it quite well. You mentioned the coffee in the morning and the ice cream (really cute picture, by the way) in the afternoon. So what did you do in between???? Did you go have a fun Mama day, or did you just do the regular stuff?
Phyllis, Thanks! And....good question about the "in between" time. I actually had to attend a business meeting for my MOMS club which took up all but about 45 minutes of that time :-( Well, Friday will come and I'll have *that* time to myself. I wish I could just but my feet up and relax bu, instead I will take advantage of that time to do the "regular stuff" that I never seem to have time for. But, honestly, working uninterrupted will feel WONDERFUL!
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