Aside from the snow we got on Friday (enough to close all the WNY schools), our plow guy came out to clear our drive several times this weekend. As we were walking into/out of church today, I commented that *this* is the type of winter I remember from my childhood. Many area schools are already on break for Christmas but many more have already cancelled for Monday as a result of the weather. We are hoping that the weather is bad enough to call for a driving ban. This would ensure David a snow day from work. I guess we need to use the superstitious advise I received from my fifth graders that I used to teach. They knew all the "tricks" to ensuring a snow day.
Tricks for a snow day:
-Wear your pajamas inside out.
-Sleep with a spoon under your pillow.
-Wear pj's inside out *and* backwards.
-Place a white crayon in the freezer and then before you go to bed,throw it under your pillow.
-Sleep on the opposite end of your bed.
As you go to sleep tonight, cross your fingers for us.
As for all the schools in WNY closing Friday - that is not true. Lew-Port and Starpoint did not close. Hailey went to school and then was sent home early. All for state aid!!
Yep, I knew that some schools went in but for the most part if they went in they ended up having early dismissal. It is sooooo much more difficult for a school to have early dismissal than to cancel school. With the fact that this was know to be a storm (not just a threat of a storm) it amazes me that any school attempted to stay open.
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