Shopping, shopping and more shopping.....what else to report????......Just kidding! Marysia and I did another blitz today. We were out shopping from about 10:30am until about 6:00pm. We made great progress. Not only did we accomplish Christmas shopping, we found an outfit for Marysia to wear to an upcoming holiday party. And, if you know Marysia, you know that she absolutely HATES clothes shopping for herself so this was a great accomplishment. And, I might add that she looks hott! Madeline was an absolute angel while shopping. For a three year old to last that long in a shopping mall while remaining extremely well-behaved is a godsend. At the end of our trip to the mall (but before we moved on to Target) we stopped at the Disney store. I bought Madeline this little Cinderella figurine because she was really *that* good. She spent the entire 15 minute drive from the Mall to Target singing her own made up Cinderella song. Madeline brought Cinderella into Target. Then when Cinderella's head fell off because Madeline pressed it a little too hard into the holes of the shopping cart, she simply said, "Uh-oh!" and continued to sing happily about Cinderella as she carried around Cinderella's torso and head in her fist. (Mama bought super glue while at Target.)
We went back to Marysia's house with enough time to quickly freshen up and re-group before we went out for dinner. We all went out to dinner at
Sakura's Steak House. Marysia, Mike, Tommy, Lauren, Andy, Julie, Madeline and I all went out to celebrate Lauren's 15th birthday (on Dec. 10th). Sakura's is a Japanese restaurant that cooks your food table side. Madeline thought the experience was pretty neat (see video below-again, poor quality because I capture video/pictures with my cell phone). She ate a little bit of everything - soup, salad, fried rice,veggies, chicken livers, shrimp and steak and even topped it off with a few bites of cheesecake. That's my girl! On both the ride to the restaurant and the ride back, Madeline was having an absolute riot being silly with her cousins. This visit has been so enjoyable for both of us! We are looking forward to seeing David but it is sad that our time together in Maryland is going so quickly.
Amy, I just can't keep up with all of your adventures! The big underwear is hillarious! The restaurant sure looked like fun. Unbelievable that Madeline has been behaving so well during all of the shopping. Can she come and give Alex shopping lessons?
Patti- I really, really, really don't know how I lucked out! My sister has teased me that I have put Madeline in "training" since Gotcha Day.
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