We were able to get back into our future new house yesterday!! There was a slight error in the contracts we signed and both parties (sellers and us as buyers) had to sign an addendum to rectify. We had some questions about the space allotted for the refrigerator and so we could measure the space, the current owners simply had us meet at their house (our future house) to sign the addendum. This way, we were able to measure the space for the fridge. While we were there, we were able to take another look at some areas, ask some questions and take some measurements. One realization we had is that in addition to the added space we will get in our new home, we will also require some additional purchases for our new dwelling. Today, our purse strings took a little beating. But despite this added expense, I cannot deny that making purchases for the new house is exciting. (Oh....by the way, Madeline tries to talk us into buying stuff now by telling us "It's for the new house"!!)

Our first purchase for the house was two bar stools for a breakfast bar area in our new kitchen. Target had them on sale......YEAH!!!! We LOVE sales!!! Next, we headed for Lowe's. The stove and dishwasher in the new house (which are included) are stainless steel. In order to coordinate our kitchen, we are getting a new stainless steel fridge. I cannot even begin to tell you how good a deal we got!!!! You know it's a good deal when David felt that we needed to rush checkout before they changed their mind....hahaha! Our new fridge (which we scheduled to have delivered to the new house on our estimated moving date of 8/7) is 29 cubic feet, French doors and stainless steel. Lowe's was having 20% off all Energy Star rated appliances. When we got the price on the fridge we were interested in, the price quoted was more than 20% off! I mentioned this to the sales person yet he confirmed the discounted rate. In addition to this discount, we had a coupon for 10% off total purchase. In the end, we saved over $1000 off the fridge's original price!! We also decided to purchase a cute child-sized park bench for the park-like landscaping in the back yard (which we are praying we can maintain!) Our 10% discount applied to this as well. Not to mention, in the end, we charged our purchase (which we will immediately pay in full) on our credit card that is linked to our preferred hotel loyalty card. We couldn't pass up those kind of "free" points!!

Grrrrrrrrrrrr.......yes, we spent some money today but, it is inevitable that we will have to in order to transition into our new home. Yet, the sales and deals we snagged today got BOTH David (can you believe it???) *and* I on a shopping high!!
I've never seen David on a shopping high - what's it look like?
he gets oooohhhh SSSOOOOooooo giddy!
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