One note about the photo....it was taken after my nephew, Andy, left but before the arrival of my nephew and niece, Matt & Sarah. My older, adult, nieces and nephews made appearances/departures throughout the week. Not all of them could be there the entire time but I am impressed that, even though they are older, they are still interested in coming to the campouts and made efforts to attend, even if they could only be there for a portion of the week.
There were only 2 people that could not attend at all this year - (1) my 24 yr old nephew, Ryan, who is married and had commitments at home and (2) my 20 yr old niece, Christina, who is currently spending the summer traveling Europe. I am so thrilled that this tradition has lived on and my mom and dad would be so proud!! Additionally, my Aunt Sue (dad's sister) and Uncle Ron were also able to join us for a few days. It was great to share in the fun. I will try to share more stories and photos over the next few days.
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