I must say, I was soooooo looking forward to today's "Mama pamper session". I dropped Madeline off at school and had an hour before my appointment. I stopped at Tim Horton's for an XTRA LARGE coffee and a bagel. I spent the hour quietly enjoying my breakfast, reading my current book that has been neglected for so long because of the move, chit chatted with my sister Margaret on my cell phone and people watched. I was excited about getting my hair done in a quiet morning appointment.......BUT, a woman brought her kid into the salon. The kid should've been in school but had a morning Dr's appointment and she decided not to take the kid back to school. All I have to say is that kid's (1st grade) teacher was probably relieved that the monster child was absent for the day. I was absolutely amazed at the little terror and his disrespect for his mom and the stylist working on the mom. Monster child, without a doubt, knew what he was doing when he was making his mom miserable for trying to get a haircut. Whining, kicking, loudly complaining about that her cut was taking too long. The kid was outright lying about things (I heard enough of the conversation to know he was lying), touching all the styling equipment and things at the next station without even an attempt from mom to get him to stop this. Then, when the stylist picked up the hair dryer to style mom's hair the kid started screaming loudly, "I thought you weren't going to dry her hair". When the stylist responded, "I am just going to style this part", the bratty twerp yelled, "I am not talking to you, I am talking to my mom"! Can you believe it!??!?!?! And the mom had ZERO reaction to *any* of this! I am amazed that I didn't leave the salon with a bloody tongue from biting it for so long.......but at least I left there with not only a new do but also a new appreciation for my sweet little Madeline.
You look fabulous!!!
You look cooga-licious. The picture would probably look even better if you hadn't used a shitty cell phone for the pic.
Next time, lean over to Monster Mom and say "Nyquil does the trick."
I just realized, it's not the cell phone pictures that is the issue rather at your age your eyesight is beginning to fail you :-)
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