This is what happened. I was in the bathroom off our bedroom. In order to speed up the process for getting ready for church, David was in the shower in the 2nd bathroom and Madeline was in her room getting changed. Madeline was crying and I did not hear her so as David was getting out of the shower he grabbed a towel, put it in front of him and peeked out to see why Madeline was crying... Unbeknown to David, he wasn't as covered as he thought he was and Madeline began exclaiming, "Papa, what's on your dupa?!?!?!?!" (Madeline calls the entire private area, front and back, dupa - which is actually Polish for butt) David quickly tightened the wrap of his towel and tried to ignore Madeline's question. David also tried to tell Madeline "don't worry about it" but as David scurried back to our bedroom I could hear Papa's stressed voice say, "Amy, help me out here" as Madeline trailed behind David asking, like a broken record, "What's on your dupa?!?!?!?" Finally, Mama got the gist of what was going on and David looked relieved that the light bulb went off above my head. Eventually, Madeline looked at me and asked, "What's on Papa's dupa?!?!?" I calmly responded, "Oh, that's papa's penis" Madeline responded, "Penis?" I said, "yep" and that was the end of the inquiry. However, I looked over at David and thought we was going to die. He looked like a combination between a deer in the headlights AND someone who saw a ghost. I thought I handled the inquiry perfectly yet the absolute panic in David's expression was absolutely priceless. For Madeline, she just wanted an answer to her question. Once she received it, she was satisfied. Besides, as I explained to David, these "inquires" are only an issue if we make it one. Solution - quick and to the point answers.
That is priceless! Sorry, David, but that definitely gave me a good Monday morning laugh.
Rebekah R.
Wow. Could we have witnessed through your writing the only time when David wasn't the cool, calm, and collected one in your family?
Oh, Marty....it was a once in a life time spectacle. Tooooo funny! I am still giggling at the thought of the expression on his face.
Too much information here!!!!!
Anonymous - I am sure you know this site is filled with TMI. But, like a train wreck you can't help but look :-)
LMAO!! That is too funny!
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