They did allow one of us to go in the room with Madeline until she fell asleep. I was willing to do this but David offered and I let him go because he doesn't get to do this kind of stuff as often because he's the one out of the house working. I was actually amazed that David was willing to do this. It's not that he wouldn't want to be there for Madeline but rather, he is a wimp when it comes to this stuff. There is a reason we don't watch ER in this house. David had to put on this white jumpsuit (looked like he was going to work for HazMat), the blue hospital cap and blue shoe covers. Madeline did not like Papa's outfit and told him so. She didn't even want David to carry her into the OR room because of his outfit so instead, they walked hand-in-hand. They went into OR at 12:55 and David came out 5 minutes later when Madeline was put under.
The doctor gave us a pager and suggested we spend the time grabbing lunch at the cafeteria. The operation was only a half-hour which gave David and I enough time to get a bite to eat. As we were finishing up, we were getting paged. We went upstairs and had the opportunity to talk to her doctor post-op. It sounds as though this was the best decision to get this surgery done. The doctor put the tubes in her ears again. The right eardrum was retracted and it was able to be stretched back to its normal position. Both ears were drained of the fluid that was behind her eardrums and from the looks of the fluid behind her left ear she was in the verge of getting an ear infection. As far as the adenoids go, they were removed. The adenoids are located behind the nose. When they become inflamed they grow in size and begin to block the drainage passages of the sinus area. When this area can't drain properly, the fluid backs into the ear area and causes the fluid behind the ears. From what the doctor said, Madeline's adenoids were quite enlarged and her drainage ways were 80% blocked. The doctor feels that this will make a huge difference.
After talking to the doctor, David and I waited about another half hour until Madeline started coming out of anesthesia. At that point one of us was able to go in to see her. We decided that I would go in after surgery. When I got back there, Madeline was sleeping again (although she was previously awake). When the nurse saw me she told me that Madeline was doing great and was asking for Papa..... *sigh*!! I decided to switch out and send David back to see her....yep, that melted David's heart!
Shortly after that we moved along to a recovery room and were there until about 4pm. Madeline can't eat anything solid tonight. I thought that would be an issue but she has absolutely no appetite. This evening Madeline and Mama snuggled up on the couch together and watched a movie. She did her absolute best to fight away sleep, although she is already in bed for the night. I hope she is feeling better tomorrow. Sweet dreams, Madeline.
hugs!! I am glad to hear everything went well.
Thanks, Melanie :-)
I am so glad that all is well. Keep me posted!!
Didn't you say Hailey asked for her daddy first too???
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