I don't really have much to report this evening. I have spent the day dreading taking Madeline into the hospital tomorrow. From what the doctor says, the ear tubes and removing of the adenoids is relatively routine but the idea of anesthesia is not making me happy. Also, my friend Kelly's daughter had her adenoids removed and the recovery period was not exactly a pleasant experience. (Therefore, as Marysia already knows, my plans to visit her on Tuesday are very tentative). I am also dreading the fact that I cannot feed Madeline after midnight or give her anything to drink after 8am but we aren't to arrive at the hospital until 10am. This will be especially difficult because Madeline is in the midst of a growth spurt and is, therefore, eating us out of house & home. My strategy is that I fed her a fairly large dinner. Now, I have a movie plugged in and made some popcorn as a late night snack for her. I am going to try to keep Madeline up late with the hope that she will sleep in late. If this works, I hope to just get her dressed and leave. The absolute killer will be the ride to the hospital. Madeline is so conditioned, like Pavlov's dogs, to have a snack in the car. Wish me luck and please say a prayer for her this evening.
Madeline will be in my prayers. She will do fine. Try to get some rest tonight, you will need it. Love Ya!
Thanks, Mushie! Hopefully all will go well and she'll be running around your house like a little maniac in a few days.
Amy, I will be praying for Madeline, and for you too! This stuff can be hard on us moms, as we don't want to see our children in pain. I can understand having a hard time with anesthesia. With Tyler, he had an MRI at about 14 months old, so he had anesthesia. I was a nervous wreck about it, but everything turned out fine. I hope the morning schedule works out and that she sleeps in. By the way, thanks for the comments on my last post. I'll have to send you an email.
Thanks for the comments Marysia & Patti. So far, my strategy is working out. It is 8:30 and I am listening to Madeline snore through the monitor. I will be happy if she sleeps another half hour. I will post again as soon as we get home and all is settled down here.
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