Tuesday afternoon my sister, Marysia, called me and said she was having a Bunco party on Friday night. Marysia was trying to figure out what to serve for her party and what to purchase for the Bunco prizes. We brainstormed some ideas and came up with a Mardi Gras theme. With a little bit of prodding, Marysia took the ball and ran with the theme idea. She planned a menu of New Orleans-type foods and desserts and even planned to serve Hurricanes (David and Jon, remember those?!!?!) as the cocktails. Not only did Marysia get Bunco prizes that fit the Mardi Gras theme, look at how she wrapped the prizes!!! Holy Crap, Martha Stewart! It sounds like everything was perfectly put together. As I type this you are probably mid-party and I am sure you are having a great time. It's times like this that I miss (both of) my sisters and wished we lived closer to each other to share in these kind of events. I can't wait to hear all about it.
The party was a success! Thanks, Amy, for all your great ideas. Everyone seemed pleased and a little surprised at the "theme" of the night. We haven't really done that in the past, although I know Margaret has incorporated themes into her Bunco parties. We all wore Mardi Gras beads and no one even had to flash anything to earn them. The hurricanes were yummy. Everyone seemed to like the jambalaya the best, another one of your suggestions. I wish you and Margie were closer, too, so we could party together.
What?!?!? No flashing for beads?!?!? I thought that was a requirement. Geez, I wish someone would've old me that before I went to the French Quarter!
What a cute idea for wrapping the gifts...Looks great!
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