Sunday, February 8, 2009


We have had a somewhat busy weekend. I want to post about it.....and I will, in time. But I am feeling kind of crappy. Nothing serious, I just think my cold is coming back for round #2. I have a sore throat, mini-earache and am slightly chilled. Needless to say, I am not up for blogging a narrative. Tomorrow is a busy day so I want to get some sleep. So, I'll tell you about my Girls' Scrapbooking Day (I hope I didn't spread what I am potentially coming down with to my friends) and the new car (yes, you read that correctly) next time I post. How's that for keeping you in suspense?? I am going to bed NOW!


Patti said...

I'm right there with ya, excuse me while I blow my nose...

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Amy said...

Patti....UGH! Not fun with a 3 year old!

Marysia - thanks for the well wishes