This weekend was a flurry of packing activity. We are getting close to the big day! Yesterday, I packed up all the clothes in my closet. While doing so, I came across this sweater (see picture). I know my sisters will be able to identify it immediately. When we were little, my mom wore this around the house *all the time*. Actually, if I am not mistaken, she also knitted it herself. Despite it being quite humid yesterday, I had to try on the sweater for a little bit. And how pathetic am I.....if I really sniffed good, I could still catch the scent of my mom deep down in the threads of the sweater. I look forward to wearing it this winter while sitting in front of the new fireplace (yeah!)
We also had our Last Supper here. Today I plan to pack up our dishes as we spend the next couple of days eating off of paper.

This should be easy as we are planning to go out for dinner tonight after visiting the new house today for our final inspection before the closing. Anyway, last night we popped open a bottle of "Bear & Lion" Old Vine Zinfandel. In addition to the fact that the wine was rated a 94, I liked the name of the wine as I told David that it helped us to toast 2 of the 3 other kitties we had while here. Kitten and Jhombie were "David's girls" before Madeline and I came around. We nicknamed Jhombie "Bear" because she was just like a big black teddy bear and well....if you knew Kitten, you knew that she was a feisty kitty and thus the "Lion" would be a fitting remembrance of her. For dinner David grilled out filet steaks and topped them with crumbled blue cheese (yum!). We also had baked potatoes and broccoli with my crumbs....the only way David will eat broccoli.

After dinner we shared some Sticky Toffee Pudding........and then the lights went out. Other than the obvious concern about keeping the water bailed from the sump pump (note to self: by a battery back-up for the new house) David (being a native of the Midwest) was somewhat freaked out about the weather. As for me, I didn't grow up having to worry about tornadoes so I do not have it ingrained in me to be concerned about the weather. Me, sure I worried about water in the basement, but other than that I loved the storm.
Stop using a cell phone camera to take pictures for your blog! They suck! Blurry pictures. God, I hate Facebook and their g*d*m mobile uploads. People keep sending in their crappy, boring, blurry cell phone pictures. Your pictures are interesting, Amy. Nicely taken. Nice colors and composition. Don't ruin them by taking them with a cell phone!
(Flame off)
Thanks for the critique. The reason I tend to use my cell phone is so that I can catch a moment as I think of it. I may not always have my camera available but I always have my phone nearby. I know, the cell photos are much crappier than using a regular camera but it also takes me MUCH LONGER to load them onto the computer for blogging. If I switched to solely using my camera I am certain that (due to the time factor) I would not include as many photos in the blog. I guess the blurry photos is the price I pay for "detailed reporting" :-)
I have to laugh at your brother.
So do I, Melanie. So do I!!
So do I.
PS: I know they're great for capturing the moment when you're out and about. But you were home! How could you have taken a picture of what must have been really delicious steak and broccoli with a cell phone! Blurry steak! Blurry broccoli! Blurry wine...well, maybe it was the second bottle.
What makes me laugh about cell phones is that they keep putting more megapixelage in the cameras, but the limiting factor is the crappy little peephole lens.
Yes, I was home....but I didn't want to take forever transferring over a photo of STEAK onto my computer. It really does take much longer. However, dear brother, you gave me an out. Whether I consumed a drink or not - today, tomorrow, next week, next month.....I will blame the photo quality on the wine :-)
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