By the time we got home, Madeline and I had only about an hour before heading back out for Madeline's last summer swim class. You could tell that Madeline has had extra pool time lately as she had greater confidence in her swim lesson today. We will start up Fall swim lessons in late September.
After swim, Madeline and I took a trip to an open house at a local gymnastics school. We were debating on switching Madeline to gymnastics this year. Madeline had fun at the open house and I can see that Madeline would probably enjoy the gymnastics experience HOWEVER.....it's NOT happening! At $52 a month, that is ridiculous! I could pay for Madeline's dance AND swim lessons for the same amount I would pay for just gymnastics. Luckily, in Madeline's eyes, today's open house was simply a fun play date. And thus, DANCE will start again in September.....
Remember to add in the costume cost into the price of the monthly dance fee.
Even still.....if I add in the cost of the two costumes she had last year ($98) and a "recital fee" ($20), gymnastics *still* works out about $150 more. For that $160 I can get 16 weeks of swim lessons.
I am not opposed to gymnastics,in general, but at this point Madeline doesn't really know any better. I figure we can revisit this in the future when she is in school. At that point I would be working :-(
Congrats on the move to your new home (a bit late)! I laughed at your comment on my blog! Surely your new neighborhood has some cicadas around. You must find them! Maybe we need to adopt a little girl (my daughter would love that), to try to soften the noise and antics of the 3 boys. I don't remember Ryan being as nuts as these guys are. I thiink Brooke and I outnumbered him too often! : )
That was pretty neat about your husbands gotcha day and how you are celebrating all of them in your family!
Welcome and thanks for commenting. I have been following your blog for a while as I am an addict for Astrakhan adoption stories. As you can see on my sidebar, I link to your blog so I am sure that some of my readers hop over to you too.
Your boys are growing in so many wonderful ways. I am in awe of the energy level you must have as Madeline is enough to tucker me out.
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