Madeline is doing great in the pool! She is progressing nicely with her skills although she is by no means officially swimming yet. Madeline is still figuring out the rules of the house. They aren't any different than the rules of our old house but she is testing to make sure the boundaries are still there.
Today, despite trying to make sure that Madeline was somewhat occupied throughout the day, I was able to be semi-productive. What I really need is to have some family around town so that I could drop Madeline off for the day and make some serious unpacking progress. At the speed I am going now I might rid us of all the boxes come Christmas time.
We are officially hooked up with phone, cable and Internet.....yippee!! FYI, my sister Marysia was the first incoming call to the new number.
Also, the prior owner had an electric dryer so we had to get things converted over to gas. That was taken care of today. I am now able to get the laundry started The mountain of laundry that grew during the moving process will also probably start to diminish around Christmas time too!
One additional expense associated in having a pool & hot tub is the cost of laundering the towels.....holy crap! No exaggeration - we have three full loads of towels! Wait....speaking of the hot tub.........I am going to hop in now!
I'm glad you're starting to get through the boxes and laundry. It sure looks like a nice neighborhood there. I love mature trees - even though there's a lot of raking in the fall, I still think the shade and beauty of the trees are worth it.
Thanks, Patti. I'm getting there slowly but surely. As for the leaves.....ugh, I'm in denial about what lies ahead!
So sad you decided to end your blog :-( Please keep in touch!
Glad to hear you are settling in.
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