It looks like things are squared away for the moving date. It has been a MAJOR pain in the a$$ to get this set up. To make a very long story short, the people selling the house we are moving into pretty much......ohhhhh, to put it nicely, are being difficult. Despite having a contract date of August 7th, the sellers didn't even set up to have their movers move them until the 11th. And unless we are willing to walk away from the deal, there is nothing that can be done about their ridiculous thought process. So, as a result, our movers needed to be rescheduled, the delivery of our new fridge needs to be rescheduled and we still do not have a babysitter for the day of the move! Crazy thing is....David has the wacky idea that we won't need a babysitter (to occupy Madeline) on moving day. Yet, he has to leave for (1) a speaking engagement and (2) a ground breaking ceremony. I sometimes wonder if my dear, sweet hubby has any idea what I do at home???? Anyone want to babysit on Wednesday?!?!?!?

Despite being soooooo ready to get this move done, I will miss so many things. I can already get teary-eyed thinking about our last walk-thru of our current home. I can already imagine the feeling of closing the door and locking in the ghosts of our family and all the life and love we poured into this house. How pathetic am I???? I am crying as I type this......oh, brother! I am looking forward to moving into more of a "neighborhood setting" yet I will miss being able to look out our front window and see open fields. I will miss the migratory geese that frequent our neighborhood as a result of our proximity to the Niagara River and open fields. I will miss our baby birdies that grow bigger every day (there are actually FOUR!) and who's mama and papa nest with us every year. I know my mom would be thrilled about my new home but I will miss being able to picture the times that she and I shared together in this home.....from day one, she was here helping me unpack and lining my cupboards with shelving paper. Moving is a stressful experience. Aside from the hassles of packing, moving, closing dates, etc. Moving is also about saying good-bye. Yes, moving is also new beginnings however one home must be said good-bye to before another can be made.
I'm sure you have lots of memories in that house. I didn't realize you lived near open fields and so close to the river. I can understand missing that. Transitions are hard. Your new place sounds wonderful though and I'm sure once you get moved in there you will feel great!
Thanks for the encouraging words, Patti. I am very excited about all that the new house has to offer yet, like you said, transitions can be hard and there is much that I will miss here.
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