Tracy lived about 2 blocks away from me when we were growing up. Not only that, but her house was directly in-between my grandmother's house and my aunt's house. We were actually baptized together at the same baptismal ceremony. We started kindergarten together and attended the same grammar school together. We had crushes on the same boys (although Tracy always got the guy), we played over each other's houses and ate dinner at each other's houses. Birthday parties, field trips, scraped knees, dance class/recitals. Much of our childhood was spent together.
But then.....life happens. Tracy moved out of my neighborhood (in 6th??? grade). As a kid, that was heartbreaking. Often times, that is the tale of childhood friendships and the beginning of stories that often end with, "I wonder what ever happened to....(insert name)". Tracy finished grade school on the other side of the city. She attended a different high school. Yet, although our families were always very friendly with each other, the bond between us was not because of our parents' relationship. Somehow, through all these years (many of them while we were still kids), we managed to keep in touch. Yes, life happens.....Tracy & I would sometimes, throughout this period of time, have greater stretches of time in between our visits, but yet we always eventually reconnected.

When was that picture of mom's feet taken and why did you include it in your post?
OMG! I knew one of my siblings would saying something like that!! My feet even look swollen in the picture! They weren't swollen, it's just the angle that they were propped on the foot rest along with the angle at which I took the picture. Regardless, I TOTALLY have mom's feet!.....BLAH!
Mike wanted to know if the foot picture was actually a reflection from a fun house mirror....they look much slimmer!
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