By the way, be honest readers, has anyone ever thrown away your kids left over candy? I feel like I would be the cruelest mom in the world if I did that but I am ohhhhh soooo tempted to "dwindle the supply" while my dear child slumbers. I am sick of looking at it and eating it....not to mention the fact that it is almost Thanksgiving!
But back to Christmas. The other day I thought I would be productive and pull out items that I already purchased and begin wrapping. This would also serve the purpose of helping me determine what I still need to buy on my Christmas Shopping Extravaganza at Marysia's. So, I drag all the stuff out of my closet on Sunday night and yes, it's still on my living room floor. I gotta get my dupa in gear. The season will soon creep up on me and any glimmer of being ahead of the game will be lost. By the way, as you can tell from the photo above, Madeline is ready to bake......sigh, I am too tired to think about that right now. I think I'll trip over the bags of Christmas packages that are on my living room floor as I make my way upstairs and call it a night.
Sorry I haven't commented lately - Yes, I'll admit it - I have thrown many a candy away when no one was looking, and no one cared. Of course I have also been known to take a Snickers bar out of the boys' loot. Don't report me! I love Madeline's chef's hat - she can bake in style!
Luckily my stepson's birthday is 11/18, so much of his candy goes into the birthday party pinata. We let him sort out the "good stuff" first, but otherwise I'd be eating more of it if it wasn't for the party.
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