What is IT? Well, family and friends have commented in the past how Madeline resembles me or a combination of David and me. Although I have sometimes thought that myself, I am sort of biased. I always appreciated those comments from family and friends but I also somewhat discounted them. "Oh, they are just trying to be nice because Madeline is adopted", I figured. I thought "I will truly believe a statement like that when someone unaware of the adoption says something like that to me". Well, today IT happened. The three of us were on the shuttle bus to Downtown Disney. Madeline was sitting on my lap and out of the blue, the forty-something year old lady seated across from us said Madeline had my eyes. How do you respond to something like that when your child was adopted? I simply said, "You think? Thank you". Little did the woman know how much she made my day.
Once Downtown, we ate at the T-Rex restaurant. Maddie got a kick out of all the animated dinosaurs. We sat right next to two animated ones. I had Madeline convinced that I understood Dinosaur. I would translate when they roared. I told Madeline that the Mama dinosaur wanted the Baby dinosaur to go on the potty. And when I told Madeline that the dinosaurs said they were hungry, she offered them her carrots. After dinner we did some more shopping and I know officially own more Disney stuff than I ever thought I would.
Time for bed now. We are traveling home tomorrow so it will be another long day.
1 comment:
Congrats Amy!
It's nice how a stranger can make your day.
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