At the end of October, my brother, Marty, posted an
entry on his blog about
Facebook. I used to be pretty hip on everything pop culture but now that I am not working and in the mom zone I have lost my touch. In an effort to regain my "hip-ness" I joined Facebook. Yes, I am now addicted. So, after Madeline goes to bed, my evenings are filled with the Adventures of Mama-Dirtyfoot blog and Facebook. It has been fun looking up people from my "past lives" and having an opportunity to communicate more regularly with family and my current circles of friends. If you haven't joined the phenomena, check it out. And by the way, I'll be your friend :-)
I will always be your friend...
and here I thought I was special... :(
Ohhhhhh, of course! You and Frank Scinta! ;-)
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