Monday, July 6, 2009

This Date In History 7/6/07 - Our Adoption Story

Hmmmm......trying to figure this one out.... This email is dated for 7/6 but I know that we were on our way to the airport a 4am on the 6th. Regardless, below is my last update from Russia.

Friday July 6, 2007

It was so nice this morning as Madeline slept in late….so Mama and Papa did too! She does pretty good at sleeping in later if she goes to bed later. This could be nice on weekends. Madeline is also pretty good at restaurants too.

Most of the afternoon today was taken up by us visiting the American Embassy. We got her Visa to fly to the U.S. on her Russian Passport. Madeline will become a U.S. citizen as soon as our plan lands in the U.S. (in Washington D.C) We also got back all the official copies of her court documents, birth certificate, etc. It is official…..all the documents have November 4th, 2005 as Madeline’s birthday – the same day as my Mom. Before my mom died, it was comforting to her to know that she and Madeline shared the same birthday. This is why I was a little upset when there was some confusion in her birth date. For all I know it could have been a translation error during our court hearing. But all is now good.

For dinner this evening we went to T.G.I Fridays. Again, I reiterate how David and I usually tease people who go on vacation and go to chain restaurants that they can go to at home. But after living “Survivor – Russia” we felt that an exception to this rule could be made. The burger was SSSOOOOoooooooooooo GOOD!!!!!

After we got back from dinner we took Madeline to the pool. We are now trying to get ourselves ready to leave. Our flight leaves tomorrow at 7am (11pm eastern time on 7/6) Our driver is picking us up at 4am (8pm eastern time on 7/6) and we will be getting home at 6pm eastern time tomorrow 7/7. Needless to say, it will be a Veryyyyy long day for us.

My friend Kelly is picking us up at the airport. I am putting out our disclaimer now, Kelly, that we will look like CRAP!

Anyway, I should get headed to bed soon. Thanks for “subscribing” to our updates and giving us an outlet to share our experiences and vent about homesickness and any other issues that came up. We are looking forward to getting home.

David and Amy
OOOOhhhh......after several weeks in Astrakhan, you haveNNNoooooo idea how good an "American Burger" tasted at Fridays. Madeline was THRILLED because they gave her a balloon!!!

Madeline carried that balloon all the way back to the hotel! It was her prized possession...

Ummmmm......yeah.....Madeline got a little too rough with the balloon and it popped....

We ended up heading to the hotel's pool. I am certain this was Madeline's first experience.....

Back track to Red Square.....this was our last view/picture (possibly ever- but I hope not) of Red Square.

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