Monday, January 12, 2009

Lord of the Dance

Normally, as I sit in church, I look ahead at the hymn numbers to see what songs will be sung during the Mass. Sunday, Madeline was being a bit testy so I was a little preoccupied with her and trying to keep her quiet. I contemplated making a quick exit so that I wouldn't have to wrangle Madeline anymore. The song book was already put away. Yet I quickly grabbed it when they announced that the closing song would be "Lord of the Dance". *THIS* song completely reminds me of my mom.

My mom loved to dance. She often said that she was born with dancing shoes on (and I inherited this love of dancing) and when we would tease her about her short stubby toes (which I also inherited) she would tell us that they are good for dancing. But aside from her love of dance, my mom specifically asked for this song to be played at her funeral (and she specifically requested that it be played in the most upbeat tempo as possible). I so badly wanted to sing along to the song because, aside from the fact that it reminds me of my mom, I do think it is a pretty song. Yet, the song struck me and the tears started. All I could manage (barely) was to move my lips. As I looked at David, he too was touched by the memories that song invited.

As the song says, "Dance then wherever you may be...." I know you are, Mom (and are probably having one heck of a time up there). Mom, your love for dance was simply just an extension of your love for life. Thanks for giving me that gift - a somewhat carefree spirit, a love of life, a love of dance.....and the ugly toes too!


Anonymous said...

It's too weird that you mention this song. It was within the last several nights that I lay in bed listening to my classical music station and this song played. I knew it was a greeting from Mom as I was drifting in or out of sleep (I can't remember). I had just been thinking of her.

Amy said...

Margie!!!!!!! Welcome - Thanks for posting!

Some people might write this off as coincidences. I like to think of them as little whispers from above that let us know our loved ones are still with us.

Anonymous said...

You know what? I hate when they do this song at Church. But, it really is a Mom song, and for that reason, outside of Church, I like it.