Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Inconsistent Santa Quiz that Santa visits Madeline I have come to realize that Santa is very inconsistent. What's up with that?!??!? I am curious about a couple things. Maybe you can comment to tell me what you experienced with Santa when you were a child and if you have a child,what types of things Santa does for you.

1) Did/does Santa give gifts in the stockings?
2) If so, are/were stocking items wrapped?
3) Does/did Santa wrap the presents that he leaves under the tree?
4) Did your parents buy for you or did they just let Santa take care of the gift giving?

Hmmmmm......I just wonder why Santa does more for some. Does he just run out of time before the reindeer depart on Christmas Eve? Or are some children just more deserving of the extra TLC.

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