Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Marysia's house - Day 1

Madeline and I were up bright and early this morning to catch a flight to Baltimore. The flight from Buffalo to Maryland is so easy because it is only a 45 minute flight. The road to the airport was a little hairy, however, because there was an accident on the Thruway during the morning commute time. David altered the route and got us there an hour before our flight.

Marysia picked us up at the airport. With all the grand shopping plans, we actually had a slow start to the week. But, this was good because it gave us time to veg out and spend time with each other, have Madeline enjoy visiting with her cousins and we had an opportunity to get organized. Checking lists, browsing store ads, and brainstorming shopping ideas were part of the afternoon accomplishments for us.

I do have to say, Madeline is definitely enjoying herself! Before 3pm, she had more sweets that she normally does in an entire week. Marysia even had gift bags for us on our pillows in the guest room. I got a box of chocolates and Madeline plowed through a row of Pez from her new Santa Pez dispenser.

And as far as royal treatment goes, Marysia even made a favorite "comfort food" meal from my childhood that I haven't made in YEARS because David doesn't like meatballs. Oooooohhhhh it was soooooo good!

In the evening we all hung out by the fireplace and watched the Rudolph Christmas special.......awwwwww.....can you say "Hallmark Christmas?" Now, Madeline is sleeping and we are back to the lists and ads.

Below is a small video (sorry the video quality is crappy because I took it with my cell phone) of Madeline "marching" with her cousins (Tommy, Lauren, Andy and Julie) around the coffee table in Marysia's family room. As you can see, we are all enjoying each other's company.

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