After a nice family day, we stopped at a local gourmet food store. While browsing, I spied this crocheted shopping tote pictured above. The reusable totes are all the rage now with the push for Green, Eco-friendly options. But this green bag literally took my breath away. Something so silly triggered memories of my childhood. My mom used to have a similar crocheted bag that she kept in her pantry. I don't ever recall her using it. She may have used it and I just don't recall or it may have been a gift that, in her mind, cluttered space in her pantry. Yet it was used in some capacity. This crocheted bag rolled up into a little ball. As a child, I loved to roll it and unroll it.....but better yet, I liked to put it on my head and pretend it was either (1)one of those hair accessory nets that ladies but on their up-swept hair or (2) a hair net (I must have had some desire, long ago, to be a cafeteria lady). As I stood looking at this silly net bag in the gourmet shop I reminisced and I wondered, "What ever happened to that?" I thought to myself, maybe my mom tossed it when we moved out of my childhood home. Yeah, that's probably what happened to it.... But then I thought, how strange. Here, my my mom could mindlessly throw something like this away. Don't misunderstand me. I am not annoyed or mad in any way. In my mom's mind, this bag was probably a silly rolled up net ball that was taking up space in her pantry. Yet, for me, it was a piece of nostalgia from my childhood. I kind of snickered to myself at the idea of how different ones perspective can be- especially between a parent and a child. And I wondered - what "mindless clutter" will I eventually discard that Madeline will remember? We do not know how we affect each other, in even the smallest of ways. By the way, David, Christmas is coming and Mrs. Clause needs a green Eco-friendly bag.
1 comment:
Mom loved this time of year, and as I got older, I realized why.
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