Madeline began taking swim lessons in September and today was the last day of the first six week session. Madeline will continue with swim in the consecutive sessions until summer. During today's class I received a report card on Madeline's progress. I am always present to observe class and I can see for myself Madeline's progress however, it was a strange feeling to get a report card of sorts on Madeline. Although this report was only for a swimming class, I thought to myself that this is the first of many progress reports I will receive and review. I am glad to say that in the six weeks, (a total of only 3 hours in lessons) Madeline has made great progress, especially since she cried straight through two of her lessons. Madeline loves swim class now and asks each day if it's an "in the pool" day. If we tell her no she'll ask, "In the pool 'morrow?" One of the positive things noted on her report card was that Madeline "Follows Directions". Hmmmm......then why can't she listen to them at home lately? Above is her report card and below are pictures from her first day. The one on the top is her waiting for her first class to begin (Madeline is the one with the ponytail sitting way too close to the boy next to her). The picture on the bottom is Madeline enjoying her first class (before the crying phase started). Oh yeah, you can click on the picture to enlarge.

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