Friday, October 10, 2008

Out on a Limb

So, after yesterday's psycho-analysis and some encouragement from one of my new blogging buddies, Patti (Patti adopted her son from the same baby home as Madeline and we both believe they were in the same group because of their ages), I have decided to go out on a limb and invite my friends and family to follow my nonsensical written ramblings. As David told me, Blogs are meant to share, otherwise people write in personal diaries. So, welcome to my world.

I guess the only "problem" with opening the door to others is that I think I might be a bit more guarded with my thoughts/words. For example, for today's post I was searching the Internet for a fitting picture to match the title of this post. In my mind, I knew that I wanted a picture of someone hanging onto a tree limb. Even better, I thought, the graphic could have a kitty cat clawing to hang on to a tree limb after it climbed a little too high for its own good. On my search, I came across a picture (different than the one I chose) of several cats high in a tree. Obviously, one of the cats was a female in heat. The female and the most daring of the males "took care of business" with an audience of several other tom cats and ALL of these cats were way out on a tree limb. So, although, the ridiculousness of the picture made me laugh out loud, I refrained and opted for the cleaned up version you see now.

Once again newcomers, welcome to my world. The explanation of "Mama-Dirtyfoot" is noted in my first blog entry below. You will see that, the decision I have made regarding the format of my blog is to *not* make a decision. Therefore, you'll get a taste of whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, take off your shoes and join the adventures of Mama-Dirtyfoot.


Anonymous said...

Very nice weblog and design, Amy.

Great way to keep us up to date on the goings-on in the Griggs household, as well as in your head.

Anonymous said...

Don't be afraid of sharing. Most friends and family live too far away to reach out and give you a noogy. Verbal noogies are easily deleted.

I look forward to reading more of the adventures of Dirty Foot Mama. (good title, btw)

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you decided to share your blog. This takes me back to when you were in Russia and I would look forward to your daily emails. I look forward to reading the adventures of mama-dirty foot.