Monday, October 27, 2008

Grease vs High School Muscial

While browsing one of the other mom blogs I read, I was humored to read her take on the "High School Musical 3" phenomena that has recently hit the movie theaters for hormonally crazed teeny-boppers. My friends' daughters are all about Troy (Zac Efron) and I would quietly snicker to myself and roll my eyes as the girls get absolutely giddy at the mere mention of his name. A few years ago, I was teaching 5th grade and the students were all abuzz about the 1st HSM. In fact, my class would try to act out scenes from the first movie during their recess periods.

While reading Army of Mom's take I began to think was there an equivalent in my day in age? Ah....Yes, and "Grease" is the word! The movie Grease came out in 1978 when I was only 8 years old. My girlfriends and I would also try to replay scenes but we would always end up in an argument as to who would get to play Sandy (Olivia Newton John) and likewise no one wanted to play Rizzo (Stockard Channing). Watching Grease now as an adult, I can't believe that I was actually allowed to watch that at such a young age. The movie was filled with references to teen sex and teen pregnancy. But at 8 years old, that all flew way over my head (I am sure kids today are a bit more, ahem, "worldly"). I was content to see the fancy foot work, sing the songs and get sucked into the craze that was all the rage. The difference, however, between me and Army of Mom is that I am ultra-nostalgic. I am "stuck in the day". Therefore I would say I am still 13 rather than Army of Mom's "39 going on 13". But the fact that Madeline is only turning 3 surely has something to do with that. I guess I'll catch the next wave when Madeline turns pre-teen.


Army of Mom said...

Too funny. I watched Grease when I was in the fourth grade - so I guess I was 9. :) I LOVED that show and wanted to be Frenchy or Sandi. Mostly Frenchy. I think my real life I was more like Sandi, so I wanted to be a "bad" girl. LOL

Amy said...

Yeah, the ideal for me was Sandi in the skanked-out outfit in the "You're the One That I Want" scene (end of movie). The epitome of good girl gone bad. I'm past that now (I think??) :-)